125DEP2 - Design project 2

Rozsah: 0+3
Počet kreditů:
Forma ukončení: Klasifikovaný zápočet

Výuka předmetu v letním semestru pro obory: W

Course focused on selected topics in Building energy and environmental systems design.
Students can choose thematic area according the Superviser recommendation.
Topics examples: "Design of ventilation system in low-energy family house"."Optimization of energetic needs and economic and ecologic comparison of heating systems."
Up-to-date topics are available at the department.
Individual work.


Garant předmětu: doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D.

  Téma Přednášející
1 Specifying of the project Ing. Daniel Adamovský, Ph.D.
prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.
doc. Ing. Michal Kabrhel, Ph.D.
Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.
2 Ensuring background data
3 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
4 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
5 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
6 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
7 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
8 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
9 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
10 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
11 Work on the project with ongoing consultation according to the instructions of the project Supervisor.
12 Presentation of results.

Podmínky zápočtu

  • Fulfillment of project assignments - will be evaluated by project Supervisor.
  • Regular participation in the project according to the Supervisor requests during whole semester (minimum 3 times per semester).
  • Submitting project work within the deadline (standard deadline is Friday 12:00 of the 2nd week of the Exam period).