Akce pořádané katedrou TZB
Akce pořádané katedrou TZB | Veřejná přednáška v anglickém jazyce HUMAN REQUIREMENTS & RESPONSES TO THE INDOOR ENVIRONMENT prof. THAM Kwok Waie z National University of Singapore |
Veřejná přednáška v anglickém jazyce HUMAN REQUIREMENTS & RESPONSES TO THE INDOOR ENVIRONMENT prof. THAM Kwok Waie z National University of Singapore
Termín: 02.10.2014 - 02.10.2014 18:00 - 19:30
Professor Kwok Wai Tham (National University of Singapore) is an Academy Fellow of the International Academy for Indoor Air Sciences (IAIAS) and Trustee of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ). He directs the NUS research program in Indoor Environment and Health, and has published more than 200 articles in this field. He has contributed to the development of IAQ guidelines, internationally as a consultant to World Health Organization and in Singapore including the Singapore Standard SS 554. He is an editorial board member of major journals relating to indoor environment and energy, including Indoor Air, Buildings and Environment, and Energy and Buildings.Abstract: The indoor environment is the single greatest exposure to humans. Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) has far reaching effects which are examined from physiological, psychological and epidemiological perspectives. The requirements for indoor environmental Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are discussed in relation to their effects on humans. In particular, the thermal and indoor air quality dimensions are examined from
Přednáška se koná ve čtvrtek 2.10.2014 18:00 - 19:30 v místnosti C215, Fakulta stavební ČVUT v Praze, Thákurova 7, Praha 6. Registrace není nutná pro studenty magisterského studijního programu Budovy a prostředí - přednáška je v rámci předmětu 125TVNP. Ostatní prosíme o registraci pro zajištění dostatečného počtu míst.