125TIE - Energy and Indoor Environment

Rozsah: 2+0
Počet kreditů: 2
Forma ukončení: Zkouška

Výuka předmetu v zimním semestru pro obory: W
Výuka předmetu v letním semestru pro obory: W

The course will introduce the students to the theoretical background of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) aspects and interaction with building energy performance. It familiarizes students with particular components of indoor environment, their effects and perception by a human, its effect on productivity and though on economic benefits of better IEQ. For four main IEQ components- thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting and acoustics – in seven lectures it gives definitions, describes modelling, important ideas and values for the design, way of possible assessment and effects of discomfort. In each of these lectures a relevant list of valid standards is available.
During several seminars students will experience IEQ assessment on their own using different measuring instruments, working with valid standards to assess the quality of different IEQ components either in the lecture hall or in a lab.
On top of that the students will work on individual projects. Students will have to select at least three different building types. They will try to do IEQ assessment for these spaces. Their conclusions will be based on available documentation and individual findings. Examples of buildings to be investigated within the project: University spaces, students’ dormitory, theatre, exhibition hall, railway station, shopping centre, gym, library, church, cinema...
Course is concluded by submission of final report and presentation of the project.

Garant předmětu: prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc.

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